



While the terms of sale in international business often sound similar to those commonly used in

domestic contracts, they often have different meanings. Confusion over these terms can result in a

lost sale or a financial loss on a sale. Thus, it is essential that you understand what terms you

are agreeing to before you finalize a contract.




Incoterms 2000
By the 1920s, commercial traders developed a set of trade terms to describe their rights and

liabilities with regard to the sale and transport of goods. These trade terms consisted of short

abbreviations for lengthy contract provisions. Unfortunately, there was no uniform interpretation of

them in all countries, and therefore misunderstandings often arose in cross-border transactions.
To improve this aspect of international trade, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Paris

developed INCOTERMS (International Commercial TERMS), a set of uniform rules or the interpretation

of international commercial terms defining the costs, risks, and obligations of buyers and sellers

in international transactions. First published in 1936, these rules have been periodically revised

to account for changing modes of transport and document delivery. The current version is Incoterms







Use of Incoterms
Incoterms are not implied into contracts for the sale of goods. If you desire to use Incoterms, you

must specifically include them in your contract. Further, your contract should expressly refer to

the rules of interpretation as defined in the latest revision of Incoterms, for example, Incoterms

2000, and you should ensure the proper application of the terms by additional contract provisions.

Also, Incoterms are not “laws”. In case of a dispute, courts and arbitrators will look at: 1) the

sales contract, 2) who has possession of the goods, and 3) what payment, if any, has been made. See

International Contracts, also by World Trade Press.






Illustrated Guide to Incoterms
This guide was designed to give a graphic representation of the buyer’s and seller’s risks and

costs under each Incoterm. The material on each facing page gives a summary of seller and buyer




Organization of Incoterms
Incoterms are grouped into four categories:
1. The “E” term (EXW) – The only term where the seller/exporter makes the goods available at his

or her own premises to the buyer/importer.
2. The “F” terms (FCA, FAS, and FOB) – Terms where the seller/ exporter is responsible to deliver

the goods to a carrier named by the buyer.
3. The “C” terms (CFR, CIF, CPT and CIP) – Terms where the seller/exporter/manufacturer is

responsible for contracting and paying for carriage of the goods, but not responsible for additional

costs or risk of loss or damages to the goods once they have been shipped. C terms evidence

“shipment” (as opposed to “arrival”) contracts.
4. The “D” terms (DAF, DES, DEQ, DDU and DDP) – Terms whrer the seller/exporter/manufacturer is

responsible for all costs and risks associated with bringing the goods to the place of destination.

D terms evidence “arrival” contracts.

1. E组术语(EXW)— 唯一的卖方/出口商在其场所将货物交付买方/进口商的术语。
2. F组术语(FCA、FAS、和 FOB)—卖方/出口商负责将货物交付买方指定承运人的术语。
3. C组术语(CFR、CIF、CPT和 CIP)—卖方/出口商/制造商负责订立运输合同并支付运费,但不负责装船后的额

4. D组术语(DAF、DES、DEQ、DDU、和DDP)—卖方/出口商/制造商负责将货物运抵目的地的所有费用和风险。C


Mode of transport
Not all Incoterms are appropriate for all modes of transport. Some terms were designed with sea

vessels in mind while others were designed to be applicable to all modes. The following table set

out which terms appropriate for each mode of transport.



Helpful Definitions
Pre-carriage – The initial transport of goods from the seller’s premises to the mail port of

shipment. Usually by truck, rail or on inland waterways.
前程运输 — 从卖方地点到主装运港的最初运输。通常通过卡车、铁路或内河水路进行运输。

Main carriage – The primary transport of goods, generally for the longest part of the journey and

generally from on country to another. Usually by sea vessel or by airplane, but can be by truck or

rail as well.
主运输 — 主要的货物运输,通常航程最长,而且通常是从一个国家到另一个国家。一般通过海轮或飞机进行运输


On-carriage – Transport from the port of arrival in the country of destination to the buyer’s

premises. Usually by truck, rail or inland waterways.
转运输 — 从目的国的到达港到卖方地点的运输。通常通过卡车、铁路或内河水路进行运输。

Notes on Incoterms
1. Underlying Contract – Incoterms were designed to be used within the context of a written

contract for the sale of goods. Incoterms, therefore, refer to the contract of sale, rather than the

contract of carriage of the goods. Buyers and sellers should specify that their contract be governed

by Incoterms 2000.
1. 管辖合同 — 国际贸易术语解释通则在设计上是用于书面的货物销售合同的。所以,国际贸易术语解释通则援

2. EXW and FCA – If you buy Ex Works or Free Carrier you will need to arrange for the contract of

carriage. Also, since the shipper will not receive a bill of lading, using a letter of credit

requiring a bill of lading will not be possible.
2. EXW和FCA — 如果你以EXW或FCA购买商品,你需要商定运输合同。而且,由于托运人不接受提单,使用要求提

3. EDI: Electric Data Interchange – It is increasingly common for seller to prepare and transmit

documents electronically. Incoterms provides for EDI so long as buyers and sellers agree on their

use in the sales contract.
3. 电子数据交换 — 卖方采用电子方式填写和传递文件已经变得越来越普遍。国际贸易术语解释通则对电子数据

4. Insurable Interest – Note that in many cases either the buyer or the seller is not obligated to

provide insurance. In a number of cases neither party is obligated to provide insurance. However,

both the seller and buyer should be aware that they may have insurable interest in the goods and

prudence dictates purchase of insurance coverage.
4. 可保利益 — 注意,在多数情况下,不是买方就是卖方没有办理保险的义务。在许多情况下,任何一方都没有

5. Customs of the Port or Trade – Incoterms are an attempt to standardize trade terms for all

nations and all trades. However, different ports and different trades have their own customs and

practices. It is best if specific customs and practices are specified in the sale contract.
5. 港口或行业习惯 — 国际贸易术语解释通则试图对所有国家和所有行业的贸易术语实行标准化。然而不同的港

6. Precise Point of Delivery – In some cases it may not be possible for the buyer to name the

precise point of delivery at contract. However, if the buyer does not do so in a timely manner, it

may give the seller the option to make delivery within a range of places that is within the terms of

the contract. For example, the original terms of sale may state CFR Port of Rotterdam. The Port of

Rotterdam is huge an the buyer may find that a particular point within the port is best and should

so state in the sales contract and in the trade term. Also, since the buyer becomes liable for the

goods once they arrive, he or she may be responsible for unloading, storage and other charges once

the goods have been made available at the place named.
6. 准确的交货地点 — 在某些情况下,要求买方在合同中指定准确的交货地点是不可能的。但是,如果买方不及




7. Export and Import Customs Clearance – It is usually desirable that export customs formalities be

handled by the seller and import customs formalities be handled by the buyer. However, some trade

terms require that the buyer handle export formalities and others require that the seller handle

import formalities. In each case the buyer and seller will have to assume risk from export and

import restrictions and prohibitions. In some cases foreign exporters may not be able to obtain

import licenses in the country of import. This should be researched before accepting final terms.
7. 出口和进口清关 — 出口海关手续有卖方办理,进口海关手续由买方办理是最理想的。然而,某些贸易术语要



8. Added Wording – It is possible, and in many cases desirable, that the seller and buyer agree to

additional wording to an Incoterm. For example, if the seller agrees to DDP terms, agreeing to pay

for customs formalities and import duties, but not for VAT (value Added Taxes) the term “DDP VAT

Unpaid” may be used.
8. 附加措辞 — 买卖双方有可能同意在国际贸易术语上附加一些措辞,这在许多情况下是比较理想的。例如,如


9. Packing – It is the responsibility of the seller to provide packaging unless the goods shipped

are customarily shipped in bulk (usually commodities such as oil or grain). In most situations it is

best if the buyer and seller agree in the sales contract on the type and extent of packing required.

However, it may not be possible to know beforehand the type or duration of transport. As a result,

it is the responsibility of the seller to provide for safe and appropriate packaging, but only to

the extent that the buyer has made the circumstances of the transport known to the seller

If the seller is responsible for packing goods in an ocean or air freight container it is also his

responsibility to pack the container properly to withstand shipment.
10. Inspection – These are several issues related to inspections: a) the seller is responsible for

costs of inspection to make certain the quantity and quality of the shipment is in conformity with

the sales contract, b) pre-shipment inspections as required by the export authority are the

responsibility of the party responsible for export formalities, c) import inspections as required by

the import authority are the responsibility of the party responsible for import formalities, and d)

third-party inspections for independent verification of quality and quantity (if required) are

generally the responsibility of the buyer. The buyer may require such and inspection and inspection

document as a condition of payment.
10. 检验 — 下面是与检验有关的几个问题:(a)卖方负责确定发送货物与销售合同规定的质量和数量一致的检



11. Passing of Risks and Costs – The general rule is that risks and costs pass from the seller to

the buyer once the seller has delivered the goods to the point and place named in the trade term.
11. 风险和费用的转移 — 通常的规则是,风险和费用自卖方将货物交付到贸易条件指定地点是从卖方转移给买




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