
神垕镇位于禹州市区西南20公里,全镇总面积49.1平方公里,镇区建成面积10平方公里,辖10个居委会,10个行政村,户籍人口4.7 万人,流动人口7.3万人,镇区人口3.5万人。神垕历史悠久,文化厚重,经考古发现,夏商时期这里就有先民在农耕和冶陶,是黄河流域陶瓷文明的发源地,是我国北方的文化重镇和著名陶瓷之乡。

Shenhou town located in 20 kilometers southwest of Yuzhou city, The whole town with a total area of 49.1 square kilometers, The town built area of 10 square kilometers, Under the jurisdiction of over 10 residents' committees, 10 administrative villages, With the population of 47000, Floating population of 73000, Township population of 35000. Shenhou has a long history and rich in cultural deposits,The archaeological found, Xia,Shang period,Shenhou Ancients do farming and make ceramics here, Where is the birthplace of the Yellow River basin, Ceramic, It is the culture of the town in the north of China and the hometown of famous ceramic & porcelain.


Shenhou is the birthplace of Jun porcelain culture, Jun porcelain fired methords have several thousand years history. Jun porcelain began in the Tang Dynasty, Prosperous in the Song Dynasty. Jun kiln as "one of five ancient famous kilns in Song Dynasty ". Jun porcelain production sank in Yuan and Ming to Qing Dynasty until five years reign of Qing Emperor Guangxu (1879), Potter Lu Zhentai, Lu Zhenzhong and Son of Lu Zhentai called Tianzeng,Tianfu,Tian’en three brothers, were diligent to recover the Jun porcelain Techinques, Finally make lost of Jun porcelain back in the world in Emperor Guangxu after study and insearch of several generations,Since the 90s, Yuzhou municipal party committee, municipal government are strengthen deeply concerned the protection and development of Jun porcelain, Make great efforts to promote Jun porcelain culture and organize the best talents, Employ well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad, Diligent with  researchments of Jun porcelain production. In September 2003, Association of Chinese arts and crafts awarded the honorary title of " Jun Porcelain Capital Of China" for Shenhou town, This award hightly developed the unprecedented opportunities of Jun porcelain, Jun porcelain has been selected gifts for the Beijing Olympic Games, the Shanghai world expo, Asean expo and other major activities of high-end gifts, Stepped onto the international stage. National leaders brought the Jun porcelains as a country gift to foreign heads of state, such as Russian President Vladimir Putin became friendly messenger and the bridge of friendship, It’s known as the "National Treasure".Throughout the course of history, Shenhou town and The Jun porcelain culture has always been inseparable, Jun porcelain has become a symbol of Shenhou town and a glorious technicolour namecard.



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